Our Standards

Our Standards

Occupational Health and Safety

The greatest assets are our employees and we make sure the safety of them. We try to maintain zero lost time injuries during our projects. The IMS (our Integrated Management System) is focused to execute safe planning and documentation of all works. To maintain the healthy and safe environment we train all our personnel. We always encourage our staff for the “duty-of-care”.


The QMS (Quality management system) at Ampleis Services works to make sure the quality and satisfaction to the client once the project is completed. To make this sure the QMS applies several processes including procedures, policies, plans and checklists ensuring the goals being achieved.


Ampleis Services working environment is awesome and friendly. It comprises of natural environment, social environment as well as the environment considerations for our completed products. The success of the Ampleis Services has been achieved as a result of the education and training given to the staff here and they are very much capable to analyze and act as per the environmental issues.

Risk Management

Risk management is an indifferent part of the Ampleis Services. Risk management, quality assurance and as stated above, the environmental management have been our first priority to provide our clients with the best results. There are several stages of the risk management and the first two of them are the pre-planning and analyzation of the sites which are followed by the risk analysis and then the customized integrated safety plan is implemented.

Culture & Code of conduct

This is the common fact that the best result can be achieved only with the noble culture of the workplace and code of conduct and we are not the exception. We understand the importance of our client and project and thus believe that the happy client can be earned only with a happy employee. Therefore we always maintain a healthy and happy environment where all the employees are given equal importance and standard. This results in better output at client side.